Keeping Knife and Scissor Blades Clean

September 12, 2020by Hugh Daniel

Many of us are getting things delivered and opening boxes sealed with tape using scissors or pocket knives. Which results in getting the blades gunked up with adhesive from the tape.

This dulls the blades and makes it both harder to have a clean cut, and to keep from getting gunk on the items you are cutting. Not to mention just being messy!

If you have tried to clean the blades with soap and water, you know that this is a nearly hopeless task, even with hot water and a good, de-greasing soap.

There is an easy solution! A little tiny spray of WD-40 will clean the gunk off with almost no wiping and protects your knife as well. For your scissors, you may want to wipe off the blades with a little hot water to remove the WD-40 residue, then let the blades dry thoroughly before putting them away.

Just a quick tip that I thought I would share since I am just about to clean mine off again.

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