Handpainted Eggshell Dioramas

Individually Created Eggshell Art Stories

Recently, I decided to dig back into the past and try my hand at creating several eggshell dioramas. It was a journey for me. First, because I had to try to remember the process of preparing the eggshells that I learned from my Aunt Clara many, many years ago. Second, because I didn’t want to just copy what she had done but wanted to express my own self with subjects that spoke to me. Finally, because creating can be a reflective process it allowed me to think back on a difficult time in my life and recognize that we can always take away positive experiences, even when there is so much negative going on around us. Each eggshell expresses a tiny story. Hope you enjoy!


Click here to read a short article about how and why Hugh Daniel began creating eggshell dioramas.


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