DAY Participates in Tar River Arts Collaborative Art Market

June 12, 2022by Hugh Daniel
Karen and Hugh Daniel at the TRAC Art Market

In our first outdoors art market since the pandemic, Daniel Art and Yarn participated in the Tar River Arts Collaborative Art Market on June 11, 2022 in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. Karen showed her crochet creations, from bracelets to crochet vests and purses. Hugh displayed both full size and miniature paintings of a wide variety of subjects, including songbirds, dragonflies, and landscapes. We got there early to take advantage of cooler temps to get setup. It was a beautiful summer day in North Carolina!

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© Copyright 2023-2025 by Daniel Art and Yarn. All rights reserved. None of the artwork, crafts, crochet or other items on this website are available as an NFT. In a sale, the physical property right to that painting, crochet work, or craft creation are transferred to the buyer. However, all intellectual property rights, whether in digital representations, or as physical reproductions, are retained by the artist.