Crochet Gifts and Wearables

Creative Gifts and Beautiful Things to Wear!

The crochet items vary from accessories, to beautiful shawls, to handy household and holiday items. Perfect gifts! Karen has been crocheting for over 40 years and delights in using different yarns and colors to create both useful and delightful crochet items. She first began as a little girl, attempting one of the most difficult types of crochet and despairing. But persisting, and with the help of a family friend, it became one of her favorite pastimes.

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© Copyright 2023-2025 by Daniel Art and Yarn. All rights reserved. None of the artwork, crafts, crochet or other items on this website are available as an NFT. In a sale, the physical property right to that painting, crochet work, or craft creation are transferred to the buyer. However, all intellectual property rights, whether in digital representations, or as physical reproductions, are retained by the artist.